Hello, everyone!
The mission is going great! This week we've seen wonderful things! But first, some announcements:\
The rule in our mission is actually that everyone can email me! Yes, that includes you. But then the rule also says that I can't respond via email, but rather I have to write you. This way a full reply only takes 2 weeks rather than 3. But you can still write me, and then email me. That's okay, too.
It's been really really hot this past week. There hasn't been much rain at all, and so the heat has just been building. But gang1 hao3, we've been having a lot of lessons recently, so we've been inside the church most of the time. We haven't really been contacting as much.
So for Chinese study, we have 3 phases. The first phase is only Gospel terms. The second is every terms. And the third is reading and writing characters in the Book of Mormon. So I'm on the first phase, in the second lesson, which is all about the Plan of Salvation. Usually people get through all three phases in around a year. It's been hard to focus only on doctrine stuff when I still need to communicate with everyone everyday. But I know that there's power in this system, and it's inspired.
In our district we've been studying about how to use the Prayer of Faith, and how to increase our faith with prayers, as well as praying with more gratitude in our prayers. I would encourage everyone to find/use more prayer tools in their everyday life. They give more purpose and meaning to our prayers. And the Lord will bless us for striving to do better at keeping His Commandments. Preach My Gospel has an awesome list in Chapter 4 about the Spirit. I'll write how that goes next week.
This week we got a bunch of golden people. First we have Jerry, which Elder Hubrich found contacting. When they first met, and Elder Hubrich said he could really get an answer to prayer he was amazed. He was blown away by the fact that God really does listen, and He will respond to our humble prayers. Sometimes it's relearning the power of the simple things that gives us the greates encouragement and testimony-building experience. It's wonderful to see people marvel over the smallest principles that I've lived with all my life. I am truly grateful that I've had the Gospel as a child.
Another golden set are a couple that love religion. They feel that every religion has their good points, and so they wanted to know about ours. Right off, they wanted to know about the Plan of Salvation. They were intrigued about our emphasis on families. They were impressed that even our littlest kids are dressed up like missionaries, running around the church, preparing to one day serve as a missionary of the Lord. We had a lesson with them the night after we met them, and went to church the next day. They're always loaded with questions. They've been prepared so well for our message.
I recently ate at my Aunt Si4gu1gu1's house. We are Er4gu1gu1 as well, and her husband. Her husband isn't a member, so we were hoping that we could spark some interest, maybe. But anyway, we just went over (wow! I still remembered a lot of it! Some very good memories) and we had lunch. We then shared one scripture each and why we liked it. I shared 2 Nephi 4:27-30, and how because Nephi makes the Lord his support, we don't have to fear our weaknesses, our enemies, or our inadequacies. I've always loved this scripture, because it shows that our sorrow really can be swollowed up in the Joy of Christ.
I've been thinking recently about how in the scriptures, Christ says that to be His disciple, we need to carry our own cross. (I'm sorry, I really want to give a reference, but I don't know one now) And I've been wondering what my cross has been. My life has been so smooth -- so normal. Nothing bad has really happened. No sacrifices really needed to be made. So what is my cross? Is it serving for two years? That doesn't seem to bad either...I don't know. But I'll think about it this week. What have I done for the Lord that makes me qualify for His discipleship? Maybe everyone can send me their story? I would love to hear it. What makes you a disciple of Jesus Christ? What is your cross?
I hope everyone's lives are going great! If so, I want to hear it! And if not, I still want to hear it! I'm praying for every one of you. Thank you for being there for me.
I love you,
-Elder Liu
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