Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Week 53
Monday, June 18, 2012
Week 52
I hear there's been flooding all around Taiwan, but we've been okay. All the water drains out of TaiDong pretty fast.
This past week I went on exchanges with Elder Bowler in YuLi! It was great! There seems to be some great challenges there, but he's taking them on so very well. I think the Lord is using his gift to be able to encourage everyone to do their best and reach their potential. He feels that Elder Xu's actions, especially in finding, are limiting the success and growth that he could be seeing. But I feel Elder Bowler really is getting the help that he needs from the Lord. Our companionship study went really well. He said he's finally realizing why he was sent to YuLi. Maybe not for a baptism, but to help his companion. They're also seeing tons of miracles every day.
I've been trying to get the district to be able to become happier/more confident by having the Spirit. I don't know how well it has worked. But I can feel that our district members all have had their challenges but have been able to resolve them by doing what it takes to invite the Spirit more in their lives as well as unity in their companionship.
This last week we've had a great activity! We had a Scripture Story Filming activity. We had a workshop system with 2 gospel lessons and then 1 station with filming a story. We had David/Goliath, Ammon, Daniel in the Lion's Den, and Abinadi. Everyone loved it, and there were about 70 there. I think it was really good for the branches here. We had a few investigators including families that were able to get to know a lot of members and have a lot of fun. It was great!
The mangos are great! Especially the yellow ones that are as big as your face :)
I'll hit my year mark in 4 days. It definitely doesn't feel like a year has gone by. I'll need to cherish every moment!
Love you all, and Happy Father's Day, Dad! ^^
-Elder Liu
Week 51
Exchanges went really, really well this week. Elder Peterson is a stellar missionary, and often wonder why he's not the district leader. But I know the Lord has his purposes. He's been doing a great job and helping Elder Lin. In North Taidong they're seeming to start anew and to start over with a lot of things -- stop meeting with some non-progressors, etc. I think they're both doing a great job in their area, and should see a lot of baptisms within the coming transfers.
I feel a few members in our district have been struggling to know how to recognize and even fully desire the Spirit to go out and work their hardest.
This week we're planning a movie-filming activity about Book of Mormon and Bible Stories. It'll be a great activity. We already have 15 or so people who already signed up, so it'll be pretty good for an activity here. We're hoping our members will like it and everyone will have a good time, and of course, draw closer to Christ.
I hope I can more fully fulfil my calling as a district leader. I've found that I haven't been focusing enough time and energy on my district. It's hard because I feel my companion needs more push than companions in the past, so it lets me worry about my area in addition to my district.
I finally got on phase 3, which is reading, and it's going great. I've already mostly finished the first box. There are 3 total, with about 800 in each. And it's been some really good help. Hopefully I'll continue to learn and my make way to full Taiwanese!
Love you all!
-Elder Liu
Week 50!
This week has been great. I feel like I've learned a lot from being a leader. It's really stressful sometimes, and half the time I swear I'm forgetting something. But I feel by more actively thinking of the needs of others i've developed more love and more patience.
I feel like my companion isn't make the most of his mission, so I'm trying hard to be able to encourage him to do his best and be more active. I know he wants to be here, but I think the natural man is pulling him back from putting his full effort into it. He's a great teacher and has a great testimony, though. He really is a great person.
This past week I went on exchanges with YuLi! It was great! I love YuLi. The YuLi noodles are pretty good, too. I especially feel that Elder Bowler has been having a great impact on that place. I know they see miracles every day, and it's been helping Elder Xu to be more optimistic and faithful. I was with Elder Xu at Yuli, and we had a good day of work. He wasn't very active in his finding -- it was mostly me pulling people off the street. But I feel his teaching is really powerful and very clear. They have some good progressing investigators so far. Hopefully they will be able to have a baptism this transfer. I tried to help Elder Xu learn as much as he could from having Elder Bowler as his companion as I have.
This week I did my first baptismal interview with the sister's Yan2 jm. It went well. It helped me remember the sacredness of baptism. And it was great to be able to see her desire and change that this gospel has given her. She later cancelled because she wants her mom to be able to approve her baptism, which, as of now, is not super likely. She'll definitely be baptized someday, we just don't know when.
Hope finals go well for everyone! Have an awesome week!
-Elder Liu
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